Welding Equipment for Manufacturers
You might rise in the morning and step onto soft carpeting, then walk your hardwood floor and reach for a light switch on your way to make a cup of fresh coffee. Millions of people do this each morning and then move about their day, every day, without thinking of the hundreds and thousands of everyday objects and conveniences that are made using industrial gases.
Foams, fibers, finishes, food. Paints, plastics. Appliances. Toys. Glass. Windows. Tires. Cars. Bricks. The list is quite long!
Industrial gases are essential to manufacturing processes, whether it is used to efficiently run the equipment needed to make the product, or in actually forming the product. Manufacturers expertly use the inherent properties of gases and liquid gases to produce, refine, optimize and perfect a product or process.
- Injection molding: There are a thousand or more ways plastics are used in our lives day to day, and industrial gases help to form common shapes such as bottles, appliances, toys, packaging, containers, auto parts, tools and consumer electronics.
- Coatings and sprays: Almost anything with a protective, smooth, clear or colorful finish is probably done more efficiently using industrial gas.
- Fabrication: From welders joining metals to automated machines that assemble complex consumer items -- industrial gases help make this possible.
- Chemical processing and material manufacturing
- Thermal processes
- Cooling applications
- Food and beverage manufacturing, preserving and packaging
Throughout the Greco Gas website, you can learn more about how useful gases are and how they touch our lives. We look forward to providing you with the highest quality gas, products and equipment. Call us today – let’s get started!